Our Approach & Core Focus
Blue Skies was formed specifically to address the technical challenges faced by the Department of Defense and how these challenges can be addressed through traditional FAR based Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) contracts and prototyping efforts through the DoD’s Other Transaction authority. We believe Government clients require more than a traditional staff augmentation approach, they require solutions. Blue Skies is dedicated to finding solutions to meet the challenges facing our warfighters and Federal Agencies.
We have assembled a team of subject matter experts, both employees and consultants, along with our partner companies that have extensive experience with a variety of focus areas and technologies critical to the security of the United States including small and medium caliber ammunition; weapon systems development; thermal and structural analysis; hydraulic and electric actuation conversion systems; printed circuit board design; additive manufacturing; agile software development for armaments technology, and artificial intelligence and machine learning to name a few.
Our team is actively pursuing a strategy to find technologies, manufacturers, engineering companies, and integrators focused on supporting the Defense Industrial Base and supporting efforts to expand and protect our organic capabilities to including supporting training efforts to expand the industrial base workforce.
Engineering Solutions
Blue Skies provides comprehensive life-cycle engineering that incorporates the tenets of design engineering with an emphasis on producibility. We take a holistic approach that emphasizes all aspects of engineering required for prototyping and product development to include 1) the people, 2) the design and design validation, 3) fabrication and assembly, 4) testing, and 5) the supply chain. Key to our approach is that we address each of these elements independently, yet concurrently, and we centrally manage these efforts with our engineers and engineering teams.
Our team can provide:
Prototyping and Producibility Engineering
Technical Data Package Development and Updating
Non-recurring Engineering Design & Development
Failure Analysis/Corrective Action Reporting
Engineering Change Proposals & Request for Variance Analysis
Test Plan Development and Support

Key to our engineering approach is the development of prototype solutions and the use of DoD Other Transaction Agreements. Blues Skies is actively engaged in several OTA Consortiums including the NAC, AMTC, NSTIC, TReX, S2MARTS, Cornertsone, and others.
Program & SETA Support

Blue Skies understands that the Defense Acquisition enterprise is complex matrix of statutory and regulatory processes which ultimately must yield a superior materiel solution to the warfighter while preserving the resources of the taxpayer. Our team is experienced with the tenets of DODI 5000, support for Middle Tier Acquisitions, as well an understanding of the new DoD Adaptive Acquisition Framework Pathways.
Our subject matter experts will help you navigate the regulatory requirements & processes for major program acquisition and help you implement a process-oriented solution that includes, tracking, staffing, and assembling the required documents and associated briefings and establishing an acquisition knowledge management process and document repositories.
Our team can provide:
Material Release Documentation to include supporting development of the APB, Acquisition Strategy, and Acquisition Decision Memorandum and other DoD Acquisition plans and market research
Budget, PPBE and POM Development
Program and Product Support
Development of Course of Action Rubrics
Acquisition Related Activities
Executive Briefing and Administrative Support
Production & Industrial Base Support

Blue Skies understands the importance of the Defense Industrial Base to our national security and the need to develop a high-level, enterprise view of the current production status for our clients portfolio, reviewing the overall industrial base and supply chain and anticipate future production requirements. Our experts can help you develop a consolidated view of all production efforts, identify potential schedule slips for individual projects or an entire family of projects. We can help you identify single points of failure with specific vendors and for common materials and components across all product lines. Our team is guided by the “5Ms” ensuring defect-free, and reproducible articles to the Warfighter: Material, Method, Machinery, Manpower, and Measurement.
Our team can provide:
Modernization & Facilitization Design Support
Production Scheduling and Production Monitoring
Industrial Base and Workforce Analysis
Producibility Engineering and Design Support
Blue Skies was founded with idea that Government Contracting is a team sport and the best solutions for our warfighter and Federal Civilian Agencies are realized through partnering and cooperation.
We are focused on assisting businesses of all sizes transform into engineering solution providers for the U.S. Department of Defense and other Federal agencies. This includes maximizing all aspects of the 4 C’s of Government Contracting (Customer, Contract, Competency, and Capability) to deliver the optimal team and solution required to win.
Our approach provides the guidance necessary for companies with a services focus to transform into a true solution provider and for product/technology companies to expand beyond the confines of their product or technology, all with a focus on delivering cross cutting solutions to meet the needs of the warfighters. We do this through partnerning and using a blend of traditional Federal Acquisition Regulation contracting opportunities with less traditional approaches including Other Transaction Agreements.
Business Development
Regardless of your target client or opportunity, Blue Skies provides BD services tailored to you, not our Contact List
Blue Skies works with you to find technology and service partners to provide comprehensive solutions for your client
Solution Development
We listen to our clients and our partners to develop technology solutions required by our nation's military
Proposals & White Papers
Once you decide to bid, we provide full-service proposal and white paper writing and management with a focus on OTA responses
Operations as a Service
Blue Skies can provide you with C-Level support and Program Management as needed or while you search for the ideal candidate